Find Your Flow & Why Lucozade Was (pretty much) Right


A much sought after state, an almost intangible, unquantifiable concept, and a goal for many, with a big fat, yellow halo on it. Happiness is cute, fizzy, popular, not always easy to keep and requires some consciousness or skill to maintain nowadays... But actually happiness is already within all of us, we just need to navigate to it better!

(Pure bliss ^ my flashback to Aus, letting life unfold around me. I found 'flow' jogging around Sydney docks)

Not to quote Lucozade, but they were right – 'find your flow' as an integral and more than proportionate ingredient to happiness. "But what the heck is flow?" I hear you say...

'Flow' a concept explored by the Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, is a state of being immersed in an activity, fully, so much so you aren't consciously mapping that you are happy. You are in a full state of focus on something you love, that is either testing, relaxing or exciting you (or perhaps all of the above). He says flow is the secret to happiness...and I believe him!

John Parkin champions 'flow' in his 'F*ck It, Do What You Love' book. He states that doing what you love in work (so it doesn't feel like work) and life revolves around flow, so that you are your best YOU when doing it. You excel when you're happy, and happy when you excel – positive cycle. The man with an upbeat demeanour gets the sales over the grumpy guy...

*Also worth a read to find out about the eggy cover...

Pointers For Finding Flow:

1. Wind back the clock and think about childhood - your most honest, raw, authentic, innocent self and mark the moments when you were in 'flow.' When were you SO into an activity or situation you lost track of time and said 'Wow! I've been doing that for 4.7 hours and even forgot to have a pee.' Write them down on a page at random – they can be anything from playing in the playground, to eating, to maths class, to organising something...

2. Categorise your flow moments by genre. e.g 1. Work, 2. Fun/Social, 3. Chores, 4. Sport OR circle them in different colours.

3. Now write down your flow moments in your present life. Categorise them too.

4. Compare the quantity between your childhood and present day lists. Are there more or fewer in present day? If fewer, we need to up your adult list, because childhood 'aint coming back, bbz!

5. Note down the time you spent / spend on all activities on both flow lists.

6. Compare the flows... We want to get you to living a life full of flow, without impacting on responsibility... You may have fewer flow moments now, but spend greater amounts of time on some. You may have more flow moments now but spend less time on them. Are there more of some flow types than others? This should help you be objective with your life/time and ask 'what do I want my life to be?'

'But time is finite!?' I hear you squeal... SOLUTION: In this case, you need to think of what makes/made your childhood flow moments easier - perhaps where help is involved - and ask for some more with non-flow moments today. Can't bake for sh*t for your uni party or work's birthday bash? Flow swap! Ask neigbhour Theresa 'the cake BAWS' in return for your hand at online gift shopping for her friend's wedding (because you're the idea person, right?).

I recommend a 6 monthly/annual life M.O.T can keep you more in flow than not.

So, GET FLOWIN,' or just have a Lucozade...

(not too often though, sweeteners/additives/sugar are f*cking bad for you!!)

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